January's winner and nominee's for DO THE RIGHT THING at Vanceboro Farm Life!
Isaiah Holloway-Barfield was our January-2018 winner! Congratulation's on doing the right thing! Holloway-Barfield winning nomination-...
December’s winner and nominee’s for DO THE RIGHT THING at Vanceboro Farm Life!
Wyatt Walters was our December -2017 winnner! Congratulation’s on doing the right thing! Walters winning nomination- Wyatt found a pretty...
November's winner and nominee's for DO THE RIGHT THING at Vanceboro Farm Life!
Shelby Peccalaio was our November-2017 winner! Congratulation's on doing the right thing! Peccalaio's winning nomination- Shelby is a...
October's winner and nominee's for DO THE RIGHT THING at Vanceboro Farm Life!
McKenna Jones was our October-2017 winner! Congratulation's on doing the right thing! McKenna's winning nomination - This child goes...
Vanceboro Police Department would like to congratulate Andy Callaway on his new position with our agency. Andy Callaway was promoted from...
Craven County H.O.P.E.
Heroin Opiate Prevention Education Facilitating real answers and seeking real results to help those struggling with drug/ alcohol...
September's winner and nominee's for DO THE RIGHT THING at Vanceboro Farm Life!
Laila DiNapoli was our September-2017 winner! Nominations- Laila DiNapoli, Brianna Ipock, Cole Banks, Raymond Mills, Amarion Barfield,...
Vanceboro's annual National Night Out-2017
Vanceboro's annual National Night Out-2017 Vanceboro & Jones County SO Patrol Vehicles Craven County SO Vanceboro PD Officers New Bern PD...