Multi-Agency DWI Checking Station

On Saturday, May 12th, the Vanceboro Police Department hosted a multi-agency traffic safety checkpoint. We would like to thank all of the other agencies that came out to participate in this event. Also would like to thank the Forensic Test for Alcohol Branch for the use of the Batmobile for processing on scene at the checking station. During this checking station the following charges were made- Resist, delay, obstruct-1 Possession of firearm by felon-1 Possession of stolen firearm-1 Concealed handgun-1 Fugitive arrested-2 Driving while license revoked-2 No operators license- 4 Open Container-1 Underage alcohol possession-3 Child restraint violation-1 Seat belt violation-1 Expired registration-5 Inspection violation-3 Drug charges at checking station- Possession of drug paraphernalia-1 Possession of marijuana-1 Posses marijuana paraphernalia-5 Simple possession of marijuana-4 Assisting Agencies- Maysville Police Department Trent Woods Police Department River Bend Police Department Jones County Sheriffs Office Pamlico County Sheriffs Office Grifton Police Department Vanceboro Fire Department Forensic Test for Alcohol- BatmobileÂ